A seminar on the new UN Secretary-General and new challenges to the UN/ 10 декабря 2016
On the 10th of December 2016 WHD held a
seminar to discuss a recent material sent by our representative in New York
titled “New UN Secretary-General and new challenges to UN in connection with new
US Administration”.
Michael Golubnichiy focused his attention on the appointment of the
new UN Secretary-General and his promise to make UN policy more efficient to
achieve new goals of the 2nd UN Development Decade, adopted at the current
session of the UN General Assembly. One of the goals which the new Secetary-General
promised to achieve was to create gender parity in seniour UN positions. It was
recalled inter alia that two years ago a movement within the Secretariat to
elect a woman as a new UN Secretary-General gain momentum. At the request of
the movement organizers WHD proposed Mrs. Elizabeth Glinka to the post of the
UN Secretary-General.
Photo: Elizabeth Glinka, our nominee to the post of the UN Secretary-General. She died on 25.12.2016 in Christmas time tragedy when TU-154 plane went down into the black sea shortly after departure from Sochi airport. She was heading for Syria to rent the medical assistance to the Syrian children, victims of the civil war.
Elizabeth Glinka was a Doctor who is deeply engaged in
charity programs, both national and international. For better or for worth the
tide to elect a woman as a Secretary-General lost its strength.
According to the figures availbale to the department
of public information of the UN Secretariat, over 20% of the top positions in
the UN Secretariat are occupied by women, though in the year of 2000 the target
was 50%.
Such issues as climate change and international
cooperation are also of considerable importance. The matter is that the new
American Administration indicated intention to change American policy to such
matters as climate change, international cooperation and globalization, upon
which the UN community seemed to have consensus. Of course the Middle East
situation reflected particular interest during the discussion, in view of
disagreement with the current Administration and the Administration which is to
take over during a few weeks.
We refer in this matter to the recent anti-Israel
resolution taken by the UN Security Council.
The American Administration to come indicated its
clear intention to run the full support to Israel. Israel said that he would
ignore the resolution, and Israel did it also in the past - in 1967 when international community adopted
resolution 242 by overwhelming majority. But now overall situation is mor
pro-Israeli as many Middle-East countries de-facto now do not exist. Syria which
used to be a strong play in Middle-East affairs is currently fighting against
ISIS, while in the sixties it was fighting for the return of Golan hights.
The discussion was summorized by putting a few
Question 1:
“Is it possible to return in the United Nations to the situation which existed
in the sixties following the Six-days War?”
majority said “No”, due to an international terrorism and civil war situation
in many Midle-East countries.
2: “How important and influential the post of the UN
Secretary-General can be in the current political system?”
The answer was “much depends upon the personal qualities of the UN Seceretary-General and emergence of more favourable alighnment forces in the United Nations.
The answer was “much depends upon the personal qualities of the UN Seceretary-General and emergence of more favourable alighnment forces in the United Nations.
Question 3: “Will the matters of
the Peace and International Security remain to stay in the center of the activity of the United
The answer is as follows: “The United Nations was established to maintain international Peace and Security and it remains to stay this way for the future to come, as it has a strong basis for the implementation of this job, UN Security Council and veto power for its permanent members.
The answer is as follows: “The United Nations was established to maintain international Peace and Security and it remains to stay this way for the future to come, as it has a strong basis for the implementation of this job, UN Security Council and veto power for its permanent members.
NB: вчера, сегодня, завтра
May, 2021: "1 June 2021 is the deadline to apply for consultative status with the UN".
March, 2020: "Calling for immediate global ceasefire. UN chief on COVID-19".
April 12, 2019: "Первое заседание Российского общественного комитета по празднованию 75-летия ООН"
April-May, 2019: "International Music Contest in Sanremo"
December 17-25, 2018: "Kofi Annan: Unclassified. Exhibition"
November 29, 2018: "WHD holds an interactive round table on Arab-Israeli conflict"
October 24, 2018: "UN Day Concert"
April, 2018: "WHD delegates at the 3rd Committee meeting"
March, 2018: "WHD Conference on gender issues"
November 15-16, 2017: "WHD and Humanitarian Assistance to the developing world: WHD participation in Aid Expo in Brussels"
October 24, 2017: "Milestones in the UN history in mass information media and memoirs" – current WHD project
May 16, 2017: Outcome of the project "Moscow for disabled"
December 10, 2016: A seminar on the new UN Secretary-General and new challenges to the UN
December 3, 2016: "Moscow for disabled" - a project by WHD
November 23, 2016: From the League of Nations to the UN at 70. Annual quiz
November 26, 2015: MDG Environmental sustainability. WHD on awareness against Climat Change
July-September, 2014: Educational trips
April 22-24, 2014: PINK CLOUD in Rome
Гендерные проблемы в ООН: Комиссия по положению женщин в обществе'2012